Saturday, November 16, 2019


In x86, in many cases, it takes less opcode bytes to assign or compare a value to a register than to an immediate constant operand. Friday, April 27, Windbg 6. Like with performing constant math for non-array indexing, the advantage of using lea over a series of mul and add operations is primarily code size, as lea allows for several distinct operations e. If the programmer wants to index MmPfnDatabase i. After that - "! windbg 6.7 5.0

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As far as I know for setting bps one must wait for clrjit.

windbg 6.7 5.0

To terminate collection of profiling data, use Ctrl-C. Now, it tries to acquire the file object lock so that it can close its file handle. Silly me for thinking that it would just take a kernel debugger to get a web application running….

There are other useful utilities out there this is hardly an all-inclusive listbut these are the ones that I use the most often in a wide variety of situations.

On the rare occasion, however, compilers have been known to malfunction. Update the driver to the version shipped in this debugger package.

Windbg’s integrated managed debugging – an accidental feature? | KK's Blog

Want to crash a remote host running Snow Leopard? There is no direct need to call! Prevent loss of debug 50 after host sleep or hibernate. This is true even if you elevate WinDbg. Did the same thing loaded up the exe and the Program. There are a couple of requirements here:.

We can easily verify this in the debugger:. For the second time thi Last time, I outlined the basics as to just what FPO does, and what it means in terms of generated code when you compile programs with or wihdbg FPO enabled.

NET 4 must be loaded.

windbg 6.7 5.0

There are two things that commonly cause this kind of problem, and all of them are wkndbg to the kernel: Taking a closer look at this case, there is a problem; the optimizations done by gcc cause some of the intermediate values of this calculation to grow to be very large. WinDbg comes with a plethora of plugin modules extensions that automate and improve many common tasks, and it has a well-documented and powerful interface to allow third parties such as yourself to program new extension modules for customized tasks.

IDA automates many of the aspects of disassembly and reverse engineering that have historically been tedious and error-prone, such as stack variable tracking. This is the final return value of mdate, which explains the 5.0 I was experiencing with playing video streams; large negative values were being returned and causing sign-sensitive inequality tests on the return value of mdate or a derivative thereof to operate unexpectedly.

This explains why nobody else has run into this problem in VLC enough to get it fixed by now; unless you run VLC on Windows systems with a high uptime, where VLC is convinced 66.7 it can use the performance counter for timing, you would never know that the compiler had introduced a subtle but serious bug due to optimizations. All of this is made possible in part due to the symbol information available in the ntoskrnl and ntdll PDB files.

Then I get the message: Instead, the compiler will virtually always use the above-mentioned xor construct.

Windbg’s integrated managed debugging – an accidental feature?

I might still do this at some point, perhaps to see if recent gcc versions fix this optimizer bug, though. QuadPart has overflowed here; considering the sign bit is wlndbg, it now holds a very large negative quantity. In x86, in many cases, it takes less opcode bytes to assign or compare a value to a register than to an immediate constant operand.

But i can't set breakpoint now. This privilege allows access to the undocumented profile object system services.

windbg 6.7 5.0

Wnidbg no longer supported. Print Email Twitter Reddit. Fast multiplication or addition with the lea instruction is another fairly common optimization that one is likely to run into frequently.

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My best guess is that the dbghelp. It failed to create a break-point and here is the output. I continued to suspect that something was wrong here as the only system that was failing to play the stream had a fairly high uptime.

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