Saturday, November 23, 2019


If I go to File: Check that the Configuration File shown above in red , called out in the Object Tag, matches the name of the Configuration File shown above in green , specified in the display. BlueZone Web-to-Host is looking for the file mfdisp1. This file is either missing, has an incorrect path or perhaps is misspelled. DLL will download and from then on, be available for future printer sessions. legasuite printer plugin

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legasuite printer plugin

DLL will download and from then on, be available for future printer sessions. Each one links to a corresponding possible cause and solution.

LegaSuite Printer Plugin analysis at MainKeys

On the web server where BlueZone Web-to-Host is installed, copy the desktop. If you are running Netscape version 6. Error is a file not found error. Part of the process of downloading the control prlnter to connect to the web site that created the signed certificate to check to make sure that our control it is still current, valid and safe.

Pluign example, in the following Object Tag, the Distribution File is display. Check that the Configuration File shown above in redcalled out in the Object Tag, matches the name of the Configuration File shown above in greenspecified in the display.

Netscape - "I'm using Netscape version 4.

If the problem was elsewhere, like a missing configuration file, you would get a error file not found as described in the above examples. Correct the problem and try again.

This file is either missing, has an incorrect path or perhaps is misspelled. Launch Internet Explorer and go to Tools:: This will keep IE from trying to access the Verisign web site to validate our control module.

The Configuration File is mfdisp1. Un-check the box next to "Check for server certificate revocation requires restart ". It is recommended that you use version Netscape version 4. Add the Session identifier to the Object Tag or delete the space and try it again. BlueZone Web-to-Host is downloading the correct configuration file to your PC otherwise you would not be able to manually launch it but the name of the configuration file in the Object Tag is incorrect or misspelled.

Problems and Solutions

Browse to the BlueZone Product Folder on the web server that is in question, and check to see if the file exists and is spelled correctly. Since this file can't be found, an Invalid Registration Key error is posted. BlueZone We-to-Host is looking for the file named default. If you are running Netscape version 4.


legasuite printer plugin

If you are running an unsupported version of Netscape, you will need to download the latest version of Netscape at www. The solution is to make a change in pugin End User's browsers. Netscape - "I'm using Netscape Version 4. Download and install the latest version of AOL www.

Fihaonambe Fanampiana

Internet Optionsselect the Advanced Lrinter. Scroll all the way down to the last item "Security". BlueZone Web-to-Host is looking for the file mfdisp1.

Open, the configuration file for the session I want is there and I can manually launch it". For example, if you installing BlueZone Mainframe, then you need to copy the desktop. Internet Explorer on all platforms - "The BlueZone display emulator launches but for some reason, my configured session does not launch.

The reason for the second error is that the mfdisp1.

legasuite printer plugin

The reason for the second error is that the Registration Key is contained in the default. You have not copied the desktop.

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